Our History 简介

In a bid to spur the growth of Singapore’s industrial development in May 1969, the government imposed the ‘Restrictive Regulations for Glass Import’ quota on the glass industry to encourage local merchants to set up glass manufacturing factories in Singapore, so as to reduce the dependency on external and exported glass products. Even though the government had good intentions, it was a strict quota of 120% of the previous year’s glass import figure.

This quota severely impacted the operations and developmental aspects of the glass industry in Singapore, and merchants in this trade realized that they had to voice out their concerns to the government. They came together and called for the forming of an association that would uphold and fight for the interests of the industry as a collective. Thus, the ‘Singapore Glass Association’ (formerly known as ‘Singapore Glass Merchants & Glaziers Association’) was founded that very year, and has petitioned, reflected and communicated issues faced by the industry to the relevant authorities and the government ever since. One of the first issues SGA dealt with was to collectively appeal for the lifting of the strict import quota, by forming an association.

At 6pm, seventeen glass traders gathered at The Majestic Restaurant at Bukit Pasoh Road on 20th May 1969, and formed a Pro-term Committee with the following members:

1969 年5 月间,我国玻璃行业面对政府所颁布的“玻璃入口限制条例”只允准输入1968 年入口额之120%的固打额; 这严重地打击了我国玻璃业者的营业与发展。 实施入口固打制,其目的完全是为了鼓励发展新加坡玻璃工业,以便保护本地的玻璃新兴工业,从而激励商家尽早在本地投资设立玻璃制造厂,以减少依赖外地厂商输入玻璃。


1969 年5 月20 日(星期二),傍晚六时正。数十位热心的同业会集武吉巴梳路的大华酒家,第一次召开筹组公会的会议。在会议上,推选出筹委会成员如下:

Ho Kok Cheong

Chairman 正主席
Ho Kok Cheong 何国章

Vice Chairman 副主席
Mr. K Abdulgani

Tok Tio Nghee

Secretary 正秘书
Tok Tio Nghee 卓兆毅

Tan Song Guan

Assistant Secretary 副秘书
Tan Song Guan 陈松源

Lai Kwai Fong

Treasurer 正财政
Lai Kwai Fong 刘桂芳

Lye Chee Hoong

Assistant Treasurer 副财政
Lye Chee Hoong 黎志洪

Ho Tong Cheong

Social Supt 正交际
Ho Tong Cheong 何棠章

Tang Chin Kuan

Auditor 正查帐
Tang Chin Kuan 邓振均

Yong Kong Lian

Welfare 正福利
Yong Kong Lian 翁光亮
Members 委员
Mr. Goh Im Moe 吴英茂先生
Mr. Chin Yit Wing 郑逸荣
Mr. Lau Puck Hoi 柳北海
Mr. Normohamed Abdul Kadir
Mdm. Soo Wong Sum 苏旺深
Mr. M. A. Sellar Marikar
Mr. S. A. Abdul Kadar

After drafting out the constitutions and applying for registration, the association registration was approved that very year, on the 14th July 1969. The association petitioned successfully for the quota to be lifted, and the government finally retracted plans to embark on the quota system on the 5th November 1969, and continued with free trade policies.

筹委会随后立即起草章程,申请注册。同时,多次向有关当局请愿、陈情、传达同业所面对的问题。1969年7 月14 日, 注册获得批准。同年11 月5 日,政府终于同意撤消固打制,恢复旧日的自由贸易政策。

1st Term Of Executive Committee

Ho Kok Cheong

Chairman 正主席
Mr. Ho Kok Cheong 何国章先生

Vice Chairman 副主席
Mr. M. Abdul Kareem

Tok Tio Nghee

Secretary 正秘书
Mr. Tok Tio Nghee 卓兆毅先生

Tan Song Guan

Assistant Secretary 副秘书
Mr. Tan Song Guan 陈松源先生

Lai Kwai Fong

Treasurer 正财政
Mr. Lai Kwai Fong 刘桂芳先生

Lye Chee Hoong

Assistant Treasurer 副财政
Mr. Lye Chee Hoong 黎志洪先生

Guan Yin Lin

Supt. Social Committee 正交际
Mr. Kuan Ying Lam 关应霖先生

Tang Chin Kuan

Supervisory 正监察
Mr. Tang Chin Kuan 翁光亮先生

Yong Kong Lian

Supt. Welfare 正福利
Mr. Yong Kong Lian 翁光亮
Members 委员
Mr. Chin Yit Wing 郑逸荣先生
Mr. Lau Puck Hoi 柳北海先生
Mr. Normohamed Abdul Kadir
Mr. Goh Im Moe 吴英茂先生
Mdm Soo Wong Sum 苏旺深女士
Mr. M. A. Sellar Maricar

Ho Tong Cheong

Special Committee 特别委员
Mr. Ho Tong Cheong 何棠章